Being self employed is one thing, but if you could figure out a way to make money at home, well that is really the dream isn't it?
The dream gets pretty clear as you vision waking up perhaps an hour or so later because you do not have to commute to a regular job anymore.
Read More to see if your dreams are even possible...
OK where was we? Oh yes we are up and getting around and suddenly it dawns on us that now we live and work on the beaches of Thailand. Well you forgot because 1/2 the year it's in Hawaii.
After a wonderful swim and hanging out with a few friends, you are ready to go to that cute little famous coffee shop the Hock Hoe Lee cafe, a smart hangout in a quiet neighborhood of beach bars and private villas in Phuket, for a breakfast fit for a king.
On the drive to breakfast you ponder on the few things you have in mind that involve your making money online project, and in the wink of an eye you have arrived and you're hungry as a bear that is having a bad fish day.
Of course you meet a few people to chat with for an hour or so, because there is no rush really to get to the tennis court because your partner is always running late anyways because he has a real job.
It's about 10:30 you think, because you stopped wearing that watch a long time ago, and it feels so wonderful to not have to chase your tail around that crazy wrist thingy.
As your waiting for your tennis partner, you pull out your iPod to check out your income for the last 12 hours, and find out that your residual income has taken a surge upwards since you last checked it before you went to the movies last night.
You smile and chuckle a bit, knowing that what you made while you were sleeping, takes most people a whole week or more to achieve making money like that
Hold On Hold On... This is a dream right?...
Hello this is JerDon and Sara Gibbs and we are here to assure you that dreams of making more money from home can actually be the real reality of your lives.
You see Sara and I are living that dream here in our Thailand home, at the moment, and in a few months will go back to Hawaii, or to our place in California.
Becoming self employed on your own terms is not only possible but millions of people all over the world are making residual incomes that allow them all the freedom they have ever desired.
OK that's it for now, we are off to go to a famous monkey temple here is the southern part of Thailand, and then after that, it is zoo day for PaMai our four-year old daughter.
Thanks for your time...
JerDon and Sara Gibbs
P.S. You might be interested in reading our article "How to make a lot of money fast!
Bio: JerDon and Sara "The Helping You To Make Money Online Couple" Since 2005 we have been helping people to make money online.
Now there is a great shift towards earning a full time income totally from the comfort of your home, at the beach, from a hotel, from a boat, or just about any location you can think of. We personally love working while we travel for days on a train.
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JerDon and Sara Gibbs
To Contact us directly
Skype: jusiz13
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